Our productions copyrights are protected by the digital qualified signature scheme. The masters of the tracks are digitally signed from the authors and timestamped(*)
You can find a complete description of this mechanism of protection following this link: http://www.costozero.org/wai/presentazione_copyzero.html (italian version only).
It is forbidden the use of the songs published in this site for commercial purposes or in any other than the private use(**).
Anyone interested in the marketing of our music can contact us as described in the contacts section.
However, we particularly welcome the sharing of these files via peer-to-peer.
Make a donation to support our works: |
(*) The Digital Document, signed by digital signature scheme or with another type of electronic signature majority, has the effectiveness provided by art. 2702 of the (Italian) Civil Code. | |
(**) The songs published on this site are distributed under the Creative Commons License. |